10 Quotes & Sayings By Hd

H.D. (Henrietta Diana) Shaw was born in 1837, and her story is one of the most extraordinary of the Victorian Era. A woman who defied convention by becoming a prolific poet, painter and playwright, she was nonetheless a controversial figure for the fact that she lived as a man for over twenty years. H.D.'s first novel, Marion Faye, published anonymously in 1879, caused a sensation and established her as an important new literary voice Read more

Her other two novels, The Wild Irish Girl and Iola Leroy, were released in 1880 and 1881 respectively under the name "George Houghton." These three novels introduced many of the themes that would become H.D.'s trademark: women's determination to achieve their own aims independent of their husbands; strong women rebelling against tyrannical men; and the importance of uncompromising honesty.

...if you do not even understand what words say, how...
...if you do not even understand what words say, how can you expect to pass judgementon what words conceal? H.D.
...if you do not even understand what words say, how...
...if you do not even understand what words say, how can you expect to pass judgement on what words conceal? H.D.
Let us search the old highways. H.D.
She knew herself the heart of a king buried in a sepulchre (in the land of his love) while the body of the king is elsewhere. My heart lies buried in there like Coeur de Lion (or whoever it was) who had his heart buried at Havre (or wherever it was) and the rest of him buried somewhere else. H.D.
She didn't know that all her life would be spent gambling with the stark rigidity of words, words that were coin: save, spend and all the time George with his own counter had found her a way out. H.D.
I have tasted words, I have seen them. Never had her hands reached out in darkness and felt the texture of pure marble, never had her forehead bent forward and, as against a stone altar, felt safety. I am now saved. Her mind could not then so specifically have seen it, could not have said, "Now I will reveal myself in words, words may now supercede a scheme of mathematical-biological definition. Words may be my heritage and with words.. A lady will be set back in the sky..there was hope in a block of unsubstantiated marble, words could carve and set up solid altars.. Thought followed the wing that beat its silver into seven-branched larch boughs. . H.D.
The thing she realised in that moment, that fraction of waiting, was lost. Nothing could bring the thing back, no words could make the thing solid and visible and therefore to be coped with. Solid and visible form was what she had been seeking. I will put this into visible language. H.D.
Run run run Hermione. You have in your hands a message and a token..run and run and run and run Hermione. You know running and running and running that the messenger will take (lampadephoros) your message in its fervour and you will sink down exhausted..run, run, Hermione. For the message-bearer next in line has turned against you..dead, dead or forgotten. Hecate at crossroads, a destruction.. H.D.
That odd infallible sliding-like-crystal air on water that means day's left dawn for morning. H.D.